Keystone Sporting Arms

It all began in the winter of 1994 at an auction house in Pennsylvania, where Bill (father) and Steve (son) McNeal, both certified auctioneers, held public auction every Friday. On this particular weekend, they were approached by a gentleman with a Chipmunk .22 caliber rifle in hand. Both Bill and Steve were impressed by the look and the feel of the rifle, how compact and attractive it was, and the fact that it was made especially for youth shooters.
Subsequently a phone call was made to the manufacturer to see if rifles could be purchased. Instead, the owner asked if Bill and Steve would be interested in purchasing the company. They decided to take advantage of the opportunity; however the acquisition never materialized because of a situation that arose with the seller. Bill and Steve decided to manufacture their own rifle. Working with design engineers, consulting gun manufacturers, and trademark experts, they created the Davey Crickett single shot .22 caliber youth rifle and secured the rights to the logo, “My First Rifle”, “Crickett”, and “Davey Crickett”.
Keystone opened its doors in January 1996, with only four employees. The business started as a family owned and operated company; and that year 4,000 Crickett rifles were produced. Since then KSA has exhibited constant annual growth.
The goal of KSA is to instill gun safety in the minds of youth shooters and encourage them to gain the knowledge and respect that hunting and shooting activities require and deserve. Thank you for considering our products. We will continue to provide great customer service, and build quality, made in the U. S. A. products
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