What is an ammo Stripper Clip?

What is an ammo stripper clip??

The proper name for a stripper clip is called a “charger”. However, almost everyone calls them stripper clips. But what is a stripper clip?

A stripper clip is used to strip cartridges off of the clip and into a magazine. 5.56 ammo is often sold on stripper clips of 10 rounds. (stripper clips do also exist for some types of bolt action rifles.) Stripper clips were first used in WWI. The goal of the stripper clip is to reduce the amount of time used in reloading a gun’s magazine. Stripper clips are often constructed from blued steel but can also be made of plastic or other metals.

If you are looking to purchase ammo on a stripper clip please visit our page dedicated to rifle ammo or 5.56 NATO Ammo.

How does the stripper clip attach to a magazine?


A device called a spoon or loader spoon attaches to the magazine to align the stripper clip for stripping. This is also sometimes called a stripper clip guide.


There are many types of bandoliers. 5.56 and other similar types of 5.56 ammo such as XM855, when sold on stripper clips, often arrive in bandoliers which look like this one:

How do I use a stripper clip

We found this great video on YouTube which shows how to use a stripper clip: